Avid Product Development is a reputable and experienced firm that specializes in providing a diverse range of services that meet the unique needs of companies searching for assistance in various stages of product development. Whether a business requires support in designing, prototyping, or producing products, Avid Product Development has the expertise and resources to deliver high-quality solutions.

3D Printing

Avid Product Development provides commercial-grade 3D printing services utilizing advanced materials and finishing options that offer optimal solutions for businesses in their prototyping and additive manufacturing projects. 3D printing, or additive manufacturing, is transforming the approach to product design and production.


3D printing has significantly transformed the way businesses approach product development in recent years. This advanced technology offers the capability for companies to quickly and inexpensively create physical prototypes of their products, providing them with the opportunity to evaluate their designs and make necessary adjustments before commencing with manufacturing.


The speed of 3D printing is one of its primary benefits. It surpasses traditional manufacturing techniques in generating physical prototypes in a much shorter timeframe, allowing businesses to accelerate their development timelines and get their products to market much more quickly.


Moreover, 3D printing is highly affordable. Traditional manufacturing methods often necessitate expensive tooling and equipment, which can be prohibitively expensive for small and medium-sized enterprises. In contrast, 3D printing equipment is relatively economical and accessible, making it an appealing option for businesses of all sizes.

Product Design

Avid Product Development’s team of product designers takes initial ideas sketched on a napkin and transforms them into products ready for manufacturing. The team utilizes its expertise in product development and combines creativity, engineering, and technology to produce innovative solutions that materialize a company’s vision.


The team interacts with the company before starting the product design process to understand its goals, constraints, and needs. Then, they create 3D models and concept sketches to illustrate the product design. The team also performs engineering analysis to make sure the product is usable, producible, and conforms to all legal criteria.


To generate 3D models and simulations of product concepts, the product design team at Avid Product Development uses cutting-edge digital tools. They can anticipate and identify any potential problems through this method early in the design phase, giving them time to make the necessary alterations before moving on to the prototyping step.

Additive Manufacturing

Avid Product Development uses additive manufacturing, often known as 3D printing, as a critical component of its manufacturing process. Stereolithography (SLA), Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), and Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), among other 3D printing processes, are among the wide range of 3D printing methods offered by the company.


Avid Product Development’s additive manufacturing process initiates with the product design phase, where the team creates 3D models and performs engineering analysis to ensure the product’s manufacturability. The team then utilizes 3D printing technology to construct physical prototypes.


After producing the prototypes, the Avid Product Development team conducts testing and analysis to ensure that the product aligns with the business’s requirements. If any modifications are necessary, the team incorporates the changes and repeats the testing process until the product is ready for manufacturing.


The services offered by Avid Product Development extend beyond 3D printing. To meet the demands of enterprises looking for assistance with product design, development, and production, the company provides a wide range of services. Avid Product Development can help companies find the best solution for their product development needs by utilizing 3D printing, product design, and additive manufacturing services. The team of experts at Avid Product Development can turn a company’s vision into reality, whether it is just a vague idea or a fully formed concept.