Transforming product design and production with 3D printing.
3D printing or additive manufacturing (AM), characterized by a low-cost and fast building process compared to traditional fabrication methods, is increasingly gaining prominence in many industries. Production 3D printing has become a common technique to create entire devices or parts, as it allows for rapid prototyping and on-demand manufacturing.
Industrial 3D printing from Avid Product Development will help speed up your innovation and manufacturing. Our full range of polymer additive manufacturing and post-processing services will add value throughout development and production with commercial-grade prototypes and quality production parts. From functional prototypes and accurate final parts printed on HP Multi Jet Fusion (MJF), to detailed photopolymerization by Origin and high precision stereolithography (SLA), we offer a variety of 3D printing and post processing/finishing solutions to manufacture quality components for your development projects and products.
Our knowledgeable 3D printing team is here to partner with you to determine the right additive manufacturing solution for your project. Contact us with additional questions about our additive manufacturing and post-processing solutions.