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Chris Rahenkamp

Outside Sales


I’ve worked here and there, and met some real interesting people along the way – some of those people got me hooked on 3D printing and I haven’t looked back since.  I studied Computer Information Systems out of high school and graduated with an Associates.  Somewhere along the way I discovered computers weren’t my calling and decided talking might be.  I’m excited to be here at Avid where my personal and professional interests meet, and I feel like I can make a difference.

I like to dance, I like to make, but my number one hobby and a contributing factor to who I am now has to be dressing up like a plastic space-man.

What’s your secret ambition?

I want to become the fastest gun this side of the Mississippi, then cross the Mississippi and see what happens.

If you were a brand, what would be your motto?

Follow the process, not the plan.

What’s your favorite 90s jam?

Doomsday by MF DOOM.

What do you love about working at Avid?

Too much to list, in short? Great clients, smart coworkers, and fun toys.  It’s like being thrown in the briar patch for me.

What’s the best engineer (or inventor) joke you’ve heard?

I’m pretty sure 1 + 1 = 2, but in this case I think we should say it’s 3 just to be safe.